
Protection Against Covid-19 Scams
Protection Against Covid-19 Scams

We have shared many articles relating to Covid over the last year. Each article was written to help educate our readers on subjects like immunity, responsibility, legality and even safety....

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Indiana Court System: A Covid 19 Update.
Indiana Court System: A Covid 19 Update.

It’s been a few months since I wrote about the Coronavirus and I thought I would bring you up to speed on what is happening in the Indiana court system....

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Covid 19 Mortality Rate
Covid 19 Mortality Rate

This post is not about the virus per se. Or, is it? In the world every day we are required to discern truth from facts that may or may not...

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Why Medical Mistakes Will Continue To Happen
Why Medical Mistakes Will Continue To Happen

It’s been almost six months since the world has become aware of Covid-19 and yet, serious mistakes and misdiagnosing are still increasing throughout the health care systems. Well let’s talk...

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Covid-19 And Your Medical Malpractice Injury Case
Covid-19 And Your Medical Malpractice Injury Case

This “new” normal that society has adopted due to the Covid-19 pandemic is causing havoc in the way patients are treated during surgery, after surgery and even in recovery. And...

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Covid Liability Release Forms And Your Legal Rights
Covid Liability Release Forms And Your Legal Rights

Fear has gripped this nation. Well, fear of lawsuits that is. The Coronavirus known as Covid-19 has created so much panic that businesses, hospitals, event venues, amusement parks and local...

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The Health Risks of Disinfecting Covid
The Health Risks of Disinfecting Covid

Every business has been forced into new protocols in dealing with Covid 19. Some are doing a very good job at balancing the health and well-being of their employees, others...

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What’s An Injury Attorney To Do When There’s No Accidents?
What’s An Injury Attorney To Do When There’s No Accidents?

What’s An Injury Attorney To Do When There Are No Auto Accidents? Well that’s the dilemma that most attorneys are in right now. And sadly, with some courts still closed...

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Filing a Case When the Courts are Closed
Filing a Case When the Courts are Closed

It may seem like strange times when the courts and other government agencies are closed. So what happens when the courts are closed and the deadline to sue expires. In...

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What if Statute of Limitations Expires During a Closure
What if Statute of Limitations Expires During a Closure

What happens when the statute of limitations on filing a case expires during a time when courts are shut down? If all of the courts are shutting down for months,...

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