The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub

The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub


Tanker Truck Explosions and Fires

Transcript: Hi. I’m Indiana personal injury attorney David Holub. Several years ago, we represented a fellow who was injured when an oil tanker exploded while the tanker was being filled at a lubricant depot. Think of this depot as a huge filling station for the tanker trucks that bring gasoline and diesel fuel to local […]

Tesla’s Battery Causing Devastating Injuries

Oh boy, Tesla again…they just can’t seem to stay out of the news. A few blog posts back we shared news about Tesla’s Autopilot causing injuries…now it’s their batteries. You would think consumers would be afraid to purchase these vehicles, unfortunately injury and death doesn’t seem to stop people from owning a Tesla. A Washington […]

Hurt When Gas Line is Cut While Digging

While it isn’t every day that someone severs a gas line, serious injury or death may result when a gas line is ruptured while digging. Large gas lines are usually permanently marked and exist in a well-defined right-of-way. Professional excavating companies rarely hit these lines. But, smaller gas lines that lead into  homes are more […]

Clothing Fire Injuries

You answer the phone at work and it is a nurse calling from the hospital. Your wife just arrived by ambulance. You hear the words “third degree burns over 60 percent of her body” but you can’t understand what happened. You arrive at the hospital and learn she was getting ready to take a bath […]