
Can I Sue If My Blender Explodes
Can I Sue If My Blender Explodes

Over the last several years, there have been several personal injury lawsuits brought against a high-speed blender maker that sells a product consumers use to make smoothies. Repeatedly, these lawsuits...

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Pedestrian Accidents at Night
Pedestrian Accidents at Night

Have you ever been driving in your car at night when it’s dark out and been surprised to see a pedestrian suddenly come into your view, almost like they came...

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This Injures and Kills Hunters More Than Guns
This Injures and Kills Hunters More Than Guns

Across Indiana thousands of licensed hunters go into the woods and fields in search of deer, turkey, grouse, squirrels and many other types of wild game. Most return safely. But...

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Ditching Common Sense In Road Construction Leads To .25 Million Settlement
Ditching Common Sense In Road Construction Leads To .25 Million Settlement

It’s dark, you’re driving through a construction zone on a road marked with orange cones. You notice, as you’re driving, the line of cones is coming to an end. As...

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Your Bicycle Frame Fails Causing Serious Injury
Your Bicycle Frame Fails Causing Serious Injury

Your new hi-tech bicycle cost a pretty penny. It looks sharp too. But, as you are rolling down the trail you experience a sudden frame collapse, leading you and the...

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Managing the Dangers Posed by Electricity
Managing the Dangers Posed by Electricity

Not long ago someone asked "have you had any challenging cases involving electricity?" The answer of course is yes. Electricity is a dangerous commodity with which we surround ourselves daily....

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Safety Rules Protect Against Injuries
Safety Rules Protect Against Injuries

When packages arrive safe and sound we rarely think about the safety rules that serve to protect everyone in the shipping industry against injuries. Over the years however, we have...

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Falling Store Merchandise Can Cause Injury
Falling Store Merchandise Can Cause Injury

Some stores, trying to press every square inch of store shelving space into service, are stocking goods higher than in the past, and putting more weight on shelves than some...

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