Suffering a serious injury is always unsettling, and it can be more than a little bit frustrating when you were only hurt because of someone else’s misconduct. Even if it seems obvious to you that a specific other person is to blame for your accident, holding them liable for their actions can be far from simple, especially if you try to pursue your lawsuit or settlement demand alone.
Fortunately, that is where a seasoned Remington personal injury lawyer could step in to help. At the Law Offices of David W. Holub, our attorneys know exactly how physically, financially, and emotionally devastating an unexpected injury can be. We could provide you with custom-tailored legal guidance to get every cent of the compensation you deserve.
Holding Someone Else Liable
Money alone cannot completely erase the pain and trauma that a serious injury can cause, particularly one that is so catastrophic that it will cause permanent disability or disfigurement. That said, by demanding fair civil restitution from the responsible party, the injured person can minimize the financial impact in the short term and maximize their overall quality of life in the long term.
Every personal injury claim is unique, meaning not all cases will involve the same compensable damages or have those damages valued in the same way. Broadly speaking, a comprehensive civil claim can incorporate both economic and non-economic forms of harm, such as:
- Medical expenses
- Physical pain and discomfort
- Psychological trauma and suffering
- Lost work income, benefits, and earning ability
- Lost enjoyment of life, including lost consortium and loss of services
A Remington personal injury attorney could answer questions about what kinds of losses a particular claim should account for during a confidential consultation.
What Time Limits Apply to Personal Injury Cases?
For many reasons, it is important to act quickly after getting in an accident, regardless of how serious the injuries are or what specific circumstances led to those injuries. On top of the possibility that crucial evidence may be lost or even intentionally destroyed by the defendant being sued, the injured party filing the claims must also contend with the statute of limitations.
Under Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4, most people who want to file suit over an injury caused by someone else’s negligence must do so no later than two years after initially sustaining that injury. As a personal injury lawyer in Remington could explain in detail, failing to abide by this deadline will virtually always lead to the claim being thrown out of court, leaving the injured person with no legal means of demanding compensation for the harm they have sustained.
Consider Working With a Remington Personal Injury Attorney
There are many legal and procedural obstacles you may find yourself facing in the pursuit of civil recovery for an injury you did not deserve to suffer. Put simply, Indiana civil law is not especially kind to plaintiffs in personal injury claims. Getting help from a skilled attorney could be a virtual necessity for achieving a favorable case result.
With a Remington personal injury lawyer from the Law Offices of David W. Holub on your side, you will have the best possible chances of success. Call today to learn more.