
Getting Compensation When a Drunk Driver Causes Injury
Getting Compensation When a Drunk Driver Causes Injury

Drunk and impaired driving crashes are difficult not because it is hard to establish the crash was the fault of the drunk or impaired driver. But because finding a source...

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You Were Hit By A Drunk Driver, Now What?
You Were Hit By A Drunk Driver, Now What?

At least once a week I receive a call from someone who was seriously injured by the negligence of another. And it usually goes, “I was hit by a drunk...

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Maintain Uninsured, Underinsured Vehicle Insurance Coverage
Maintain Uninsured, Underinsured Vehicle Insurance Coverage

It’s 9pm and you’re worried. Your husband should have been home two hours ago. You’ve tried to call him, but no answer. Another hour goes by. Then your phone rings....

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If you were injured and need to file a claim for compensatory damages, fill out this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.