Everyone on the road is at greater risk of accidents and injuries when bad weather strikes. Floods, thunderstorms, wind gusts, tornadoes, ice storms, snow, and even earthquakes can all potentially impact driving conditions. However—just like almost every other motor vehicle accident scenario—the risk is even greater for truck drivers. Trucks are larger, more challenging to stop, surrounded by blind spots, and more difficult to maneuver. When weather conditions lead to slick roads, wind gusts, or problems with visibility, truckers may feel the impact more than other drivers.
However, while these conditions can be the catalyst for bad weather truck accidents in Merrillville, they rarely lead to accidents on their own. Truckers who ignore these hazardous conditions and do not change their driving behavior or drive when it is clearly too dangerous to do so may be at fault in any resulting accidents. If you have been injured in an accident during bad weather, talk to an experienced truck collision attorney from our firm about your situation today. You deserve justice and compensation.
Understanding the Impact of Bad Weather on Truck Drivers
One of the most significant risks of bad weather is limited visibility. Rain, sleet, snow, fog, and any other form of precipitation can lead to obstructed vision. Tools like windshield wipers can help deal with some of these issues, but any precipitation can be hard or heavy enough to block vision.
Common sense about safety—and federal law—dictate that a trucker pull over and stop driving when the weather is bad enough that it destroys visibility. However, it is a subjective standard, which makes the rule challenging to enforce. With no worries that they will be caught and fined, some truckers will risk it. Plus, truckers experience tremendous pressure to make their deliveries on time. While other drivers may pull over for safety, truckers may continue to drive.
In addition to making it harder to see, snow, sleet, and ice can make the roads slippery and treacherous. It is dangerous for any vehicle to start to slide on the road. In a big truck, the risk grows. A sliding vehicle can quickly lead to a jackknife accident, where a trucker loses complete control of the cab and the trailer.
High winds pose their own threat. While high winds are unlikely to tip over a vehicle—though a tornado might—they can lead to a driver losing control and overcorrecting. This can increase the risk of tipping, which can lead to rollovers and other accidents.
While the weather may contribute to the likelihood of a wreck, it very rarely is the sole cause of an accident. Instead, trucker negligence—or the negligence of other drivers on the road—usually leads to the wreck. A semi-truck crash lawyer in Merrillville could help you determine liability and seek compensation.
Truckers’ Obligations in Bad Weather
According to federal trucking regulations, truckers are supposed to exercise caution in bad weather and should even stop driving if the weather is bad enough to prevent safe driving. Truckers who ignore these rules can be found negligent, and so can trucking companies that ignore the safety risks of bad weather and pressure their truckers to continue to drive when conditions are dangerous.
These regulations are subjective and difficult to enforce. They do not address specific types of weather, a specific level of severity, or any other factor that would absolutely require a trucker to pull over. Any trucker who is in a Merrillville accident where bad weather is a factor would likely argue that the weather was not so bad.
Talk to a Merrillville Attorney About Bad Weather Truck Accidents
When lousy weather contributes to a Merrillville truck accident, it is important to consult with an attorney who can analyze the role that weather played in the collision and how reasonable drivers would have responded to such weather. Truck drivers have the responsibility to drive safely under all conditions—including not driving under dangerous conditions. Failing to do so is negligence, which can make a trucker liable in an accident. If you have been in a bad weather truck accident in Merrillville, call The Law Offices of David W. Holub and schedule a consultation today.