The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub

The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub


Fell on Moving Sidewalks Can I Sue

Transcript: Hi, I’m Indiana personal injury attorney David Holub. We have all seen escalators. Now moving sidewalks that work much like escalators are becoming popular. What are your legal rights if you fall when using a moving sidewalk at a store due to a malfunction? We used to get calls involving falls on escalators. But, […]

Scaffolding and Ladder Injures

Transcript: Hi. I’m Indiana personal injury attorney David Holub. Workers can be killed or injured if the ladder or scaffolding they are using collapses. Scaffolds include what we sometimes refer to as suspended platforms like those used by window washers in tall buildings. But more often we see injuries with scaffolding assembled in residential home […]

Are Hospital Falls Preventable?

Picture this. You are in the hospital for a routine procedure or surgery and you expect to be out in a few days. As you are recovering, in a weaker state and on various prescription pain medications, a nurse who is supposed to help you get out of bed and over to the bathroom fails […]

Assessing the Harm from a Hospital or Nursing Home Fall

Throughout the years, we’ve handled several cases involving falls in hospitals and in nursing homes. Regardless of whether a fall occurs at a hospital or nursing home, certain steps taken by medical staff after a fall can make a world of difference in identifying and quickly treating an injury caused by a fall. Unfortunately, we’ve […]