On a quiet evening in a suburban neighborhood, tensions simmered between neighbors, Tom and Alex, due to a long-standing property dispute. Tom's German Shepherd, Rocky, had always been territorial, and...
On a quiet evening in a suburban neighborhood, tensions simmered between neighbors, Tom and Alex, due to a long-standing property dispute. Tom's German Shepherd, Rocky, had always been territorial, and...
If you were to believe the media, an individual receiving an indictment would be classified as guilty. And who knows, perhaps they are! However, until a fair trial actually takes...
Welcome back to the 2022 Year In Review. This is Part 2. To recap Part 1… we shared our thoughts on medical malpractice, auto accidents and injuries of various kinds. Part...
Another year sharing our thoughts on medical malpractice, auto accidents and injuries of various kinds. Part 1 covers January through July with a snippet of what was shared plus a...
Transcript: Hi, I am Indiana personal injury attorney David Holub. In our last video clip, we discussed a question from a caller who asked, “my son is 12 years old....
In 1992, 79 year-old Stella Liebeck accidently spilled scolding hot McDonald’s coffee on her lap. She suffered third-degree burns on her legs and groin area. Those burns required many hospital...
Ordering auto parts online has become so easy that even a non-mechanic can do it. It didn't use to be this way. In years past, you would need to take...
Hi, I'm Indiana personal injury attorney David Holub. In the last video clip, we discussed the vestibulo ocular reflex. This reflexive eye movement can help quantify a brain injury. In...
Lawsuits are time consuming, they are also emotionally, mentally & physically draining. They can also encompass months, maybe even years of your life. The outcome of any case that goes...
Seems many people nowadays are not only posting their medical history online for all to see, but they are also seeking legal and medical advice from those same social connections....
If you were injured and need to file a claim for compensatory damages, fill out this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.