Driver distractions are a massive public health and safety issue worldwide. When motorists engage in hazardous activities that divert their attention from safely operating their vehicles, they risk harm to themselves and others.

If a careless driver causes you or someone you love harm, you have legal rights to pursue compensation and hold them accountable. Contact The Law Offices of David W. Holub today to speak with a seasoned car collision attorney about distracted driving accidents in Merrillville.

Types of Motorist Distractions

Motorists can engage in three primary categories of distractions: visual, manual, and cognitive. Each of these forms of distraction is hazardous and can lead to a vehicle crash.

Visual Distractions

Visual distractions cause drivers to take their eyes away from the road. Examples include typing or reading text messages, adjusting the radio or AC, and looking at road maps.

Manual Distractions

Manual distractions are anything that causes the motorist to take one or both hands off the steering wheel. This could involve various activities, such as eating or drinking, personal grooming, and using handheld cell phones for texting or phone calls.

Cognitive Distractions

Cognitive distractions divert the driver’s mental focus away from driving. Some examples are reading text messages or emails, talking on the phone or with passengers, and daydreaming.

A reliable Merrillville attorney could examine a distracted driving accident case, gather vital evidence to prove fault and collect a fair settlement.

Hands-Free Traffic Regulations

Under Indiana Code § 9-21-8-59, the state prohibits individuals operating motor vehicles from using or holding cell phones while driving, including the following:

  • Browsing the web
  • Checking social media
  • Reading or creating text messages
  • Using handheld devices to talk on the phone

The rule applies to moving vehicles that stop while sitting at red lights or in traffic congestion. Drivers must find a safe location, pull over, and turn the car off to legally use handheld communication devices. However, as an exception to the rule, motorists are permitted to use a handheld device in an emergency.

The consequences for violating this law include up to $500 in fines and four points added to an individual’s driving record. Those who accumulate 20 points or more within two years face the possibility of motorist’s license suspension.

Types of Monetary Damages Available

If an injured party can show that a defendant caused a collision due to being distracted, this can prove liability to win an award for damages. Possible forms of compensation that may be available to a person after a crash include the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Loss of services
  • Emotional trauma
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Loss of consortium
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Lost wages and working capacity

During a consultation, a seasoned legal professional who handles cases resulting from distracted driving collisions in Merrillville could answer specific questions about personal injury laws.

Reach out for More Information About Merrillville Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted drivers are a significant risk to themselves and anyone traveling near them on roads and highways. Using cell phones or participating in any activity that diverts motorist attention is reckless and avoidable.

If you suffered harm in a crash due to someone else’s negligence, you could initiate legal action and pursue monetary damages. Connect with The Law Offices of David W. Holub today to speak with a dedicated lawyer for help with distracted driving accidents in Merrillville.

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If you were injured and need to file a claim for compensatory damages, fill out this contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.