The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub

The Law Office Of David W. HolubThe Law Office Of David W. Holub


Forgotten Care: Life In A Nursing Home

Have you ever heard the expression, “Nursing homes are like Starbucks, they’re popping up everywhere”? Then you start to notice them and think, “Wow, they’re right. That’s the third one to come to town in the last 9 months”. Then you deduce that they must be making money or they wouldn’t build so many. Well, […]

Failed Smoke Detectors Present Major Hazard

Each year, about 2,000 people in the United States lose their lives in residential fires, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. About 2/3rds of those home fire deaths occur in residences that have no smoke detectors or no working smoke detectors. Why would a smoke alarm not go off? There are different possibilities, but […]

Are Hospital Falls Preventable?

Picture this. You are in the hospital for a routine procedure or surgery and you expect to be out in a few days. As you are recovering, in a weaker state and on various prescription pain medications, a nurse who is supposed to help you get out of bed and over to the bathroom fails […]